The SCORPION programme

The SCORPION programme (standing for synergy of contact reinforced by versatility and network-enabled capability) renews the Army’s contact combat through new generation armoured vehicles, modernised equipment and a new information system optimising the networking of systems.

Scorpion © Ministère des armées


The entry into the SCORPION age was marked by the development of three new systems (GRIFFON, with its MEPAC version, JAGUAR and SERVAL) and the renovation of the LECLERC MBT.
The Motorised Capability (CaMO) program is aimed at equipping the Belgian Army with armoured vehicles, in the framework of the strategic partnership.



In a network-enabled collaborative combat situation, the UAV is a key asset to provide a real-time comprehensive picture of a tactical situation. It also enables to optimise the ability to strike at the given time and place.



Network-enabled collaborative combat means communicating combat information in real time between all deployed units, using an increased level of connectivity. The new connectivity pawns (the CONTACT radio, the SCORPION CIS (SICS)…) enable to put all the airland combat systems into an optimised network.


The future of SCORPION

Network-enabled collaborative combat means communicating combat information in real time between all deployed units, using an increased level of connectivity. The new connectivity pawns (the CONTACT radio, the SCORPION CIS (SICS)…) enable to put all the airland combat systems into an optimised network.


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