French Military Equipment Delivered to Ukraine

Organization : Ministère des Armées / Published : March 04, 2024

The data below show the quantitative list of French military equipment delivered to Ukraine from the start of Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine, on 24 February 2022, to 31 December 2023. French Military equipment delivered since 1 January 2024 is not included.

Canon Caesar © AFP

All in all, the total value of French military equipment delivered to Ukraine amounts to € 2.615 billion. In addition, France contributed € 1.2 billion to the European Peace Facility (EPF). Overall, this amounts to more than € 3.8 billion between 24 February 2022 and 31 December 2023.

In addition to this financial effort, France has provided training to Ukrainian troops, with nearly 10,000 Ukrainian soldiers trained by the French military in Poland and in France.

At the same time, France contributes to the security of the Eastern Flank of Europe by deploying land components to Romania as Framework Nation, and to Estonia, rotational air components to Lithuania and from mainland France, as well as a permanent maritime presence in the Baltic and Mediterranean Seas.

French Military Equipment Delivered to Ukraine

Personal Equipment

Helmet : 6,200

Bulletproof armour : 6,500

CBRN Protective Suit : 1,100

Flight Gear : 100

GPS: 200

Cold Weather Gear : 3,100

First Aid Kit : 3,700

Lyophilised Plasma (PLYO) : 300

Optical Systems

Night Vision Goggle : 445

Anti-Tank Systems

AT4 Rocket Launcher System : 1,002

MILAN System : 3

MILAN Missile : Confidential data


TRF1 Howitzer : 6

CAESAR Gun : 30

Unitary Rocket Launcher : 4

120 mm Mortar : 10

Ground-to-Air Defence


CROTALE Missile : Confidential data

CM200 Radar : 1


MISTRAL Missile : Confidential data

SAMP/T : 1

ASTER Missile : Confidential data

Armoured Vehicles

AMX10 RC Armoured Reconnaissance Vehicle : 38

Armed and Sanitary VAB Armoured Personnel Carrier : 250

Transport / Liaison Vehicles

VLTT P4 : 120

GBC 180 Truck : 6


Zodiac FUTURA Inflatable Boat : 30


TRM 10000 ACH Fuel Truck : 10

Petroleum Products : 150 t

Jet Fuel : 30,000 (in cubic meters)


Small arms ammunition (9 mm, 5.56 mm, etc.) : 1.1 million

Grenade : 10,500

12.7 mm cartridge : 1.74 million

105 mm AMX10 RC : 9,000

155 mm CAESAR & TRF1 : 30,000


Missile SCALP : Confidential data

Transmission Systems

Frequency Scanner : 100

IRIDIUM Terminal : 30


Drone Detection System : 10

Reconnaissance Drone : 160

Electrical Support

300 kVA Power Generator : 2


Primer : 38,000

Detonator : 17,000

Pyrotechnic Equipment : 43,000

Anti-Tank Mine : 3,600

Small Arms

7.62 mm Machine Gun : 55

12.7 mm Machine Gun : 560

FAMAS Assault Rifle : 1,000

Sniper Rifle : 20
